6 Journal prompts to unlock your inner strength and resilience

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For those who don’t know me, I’m Holly Ecimovic, digital editor and content producer for more than 10 years, specializing in health and wellness content.

As a certified fitness instructor (Les Mills BODYPUMP and BODYCOMBAT formats, specifically) I help people with creating health content digitally, and I also create wellness products for you to use and enjoy!

Today, we’re going over six journal prompts I came up with that can help you with inner strength and resilience.

Here are the journal prompts.

  1. Describe discouragement

How would you describe the emotion of being discouraged to a child?

Would you tell them about the feeling inside, feeling hot or cold, tight or stiff? Would you explain to them ways that they could learn from being discouraged?

How would you describe the way that resilience could come into play after experiencing discouragement? 💫

2. 4 Detailed Action Steps Related to Big Goal

Name 4 action steps (and describe them in detail) that will move you closer to your big goal.

It could be actions related to losing a certain amount of weight, or making a big purchase such as buying a vehicle.

Write down small action steps that would move you along toward accomplishing that big goal.

3. Rewriting the past

Go back in time for a moment. Think of an incident last week that may have occurred in your life that didn’t go your way.

Describe what you would do differently if you could go back in time and change things. Be careful not to change what the other person did - because we can’t ever control the actions of others.

Just describe how you would have acted differently if you could re-do the situation. Describe what you learned from the situation. 🌟

4. How you’ve helped

Describe 3 ways you helped someone last week, and go into detail about how you helped them. 🌟

Describe the unique aspects you bring to the table when it comes to your impact on people.

How do you stand out? Are you proud of how you show up in the world? Write that down!

5. Controlling your thoughts

Answer this question: “Am I in charge of my thoughts today?” 👀 If not, describe how you can turn things around.

Is there a way you can re-direct your thoughts to channel your precious energy into a productive endeavor, rather than heading down a path where your thoughts deceive you into believing that things are much worse than they really are?

List some ways and activities you can do to drive your train of thought throughout your day, so to speak.

6. De-Cluttering Your Mind by Cleaning Up Your Environment

Talk about 4 ways you could de-clutter your workspace this week and set dates and times for what you will do and when you’ll do it. 📚

Do you need a physical worksheet to help? Head on over to this Journal Bundle I created, and grab the de-cluttering and productivity worksheets I created for you.

Related articles to help you:

200 journal prompts to De-Clutter + Relax

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