25 Website Design Hacks To Do Now

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Today we’re talking about simple design strategies that will help you set up your website.

We’ll also go over how to engage your audience, and how to avoid overwhelming your viewer.

You’ll walk away with tips on how to present your strong points, how to display exactly what you want, and how to do it in an organized and really beautiful way.

Let’s get started!

  1. Determine Your Goals

Write down 1-5 goals that you want to accomplish by having a website.

Examples include: Sell products, showcase your portfolio, wedding website, etc.

Now, keep your website simple by making each of those goals part of the navigation bar on your homepage, and then build out pages that accomplish each goal.

Keep it simple and limit the number of dropdown options!

For example: “About Page” = shows info about you, plus who your audience is/what you are showcasing on your website.

Another example: “Sales Page” = You then create that as a tab on the navigation bar, then build the page for it.

The point here is to only have key sections on your website with a PURPOSE behind each!

You choose the important pages and sections you want to feature; and you make sure each of them is accomplishing a purpose.

That way, you are accomplishing your goals and avoiding clutter on your website.

The audience has a lower chance of experiencing overwhelm if you are concentrating on key goals!

2. Practice consistency when using colors, fonts and images

I use the word “practice” because of course there are times on your website when you want certain things to stand out — and that is a great way to accomplish goals!

But for the most part, the experience seems to be better for the user when the photos, colors and fonts you use flow well together.

Tips for you: you can use a “mood board” — create a page inside your photo editor or even your website (an unlinked/private or test page) and post the colors, fonts, images, and other cool things you want to use on your website.

The mood board will help you to see how things look together, before you post it on your site.

Also, you can test different looks and feels ahead of time, so the end product is perfect!

3. Avoid Large Chunks of Text

Studies have shown that your brain processes things more easily when broken down more easily into smaller pieces.

With that being said, try to break up your text into smaller paragraphs, or even into just sentences with spaces in between.

Try it for yourself - don’t you find yourself reading things more often when they are written this way?

Have you ever just quit reading something, when it’s a huge chunk?

Utilize that blank space to keep people interested.

4. Less Is More

Piggy-backing off of #3 - less is more when it comes to your site design.

Overwhelming colors, photos, chunks of text, dropdown items, boxes to click, etc. will drive people away.

If you want someone to take a specific action on your site - only give them ONE option, then! You are setting yourself up to win, that way.

5. Add social media buttons

You can add buttons to your blog articles so people can easily share them on their social media feeds.

For example, you can add a Facebook share button, a Twitter one or a Pinterest one.

One way you can do this is by visiting AddThis.com. Check it out!

6. Stick with one opt-in per page (or limit them)

Great advice for those who are selling a product or service.

Make sure you focus on accomplishing one goal, instead of many!

7. Choose stock images with similar color themes or with same style

This does not mean your website has to be boring.

Just make sure things flow well together, and that it doesn’t look confusing and cluttered.

8. Utilize video

Video is more engaging to the viewer than simple images.

If you can, utilize video to your advantage. Just make sure that it loads reasonably quickly, otherwise people will click away, and search engines also won’t like it!

9. Use CSS to optimize your site

Here is a fantastic article to help you out!

New to CSS? Check out Paige’s amazing tips on what to do: My 4 favorite CSS tweaks I use on my Squarespace sites

10. Know which file type to use

By file type, we’re talking about .jpg, .png, or .gif.

Files that are .jpg are usually the most easily recognizable for most broswers, and that helps you when it comes to SEO - being found by search engines.

One thing to note is that .png files tend to be larger than .jpg files, and so .jpg will load more quickly, usually. They will also most likely show up better when the website loads!

11. Optimize your site for mobile-friendly use

Many website hosting platforms will have a “view on mobile” option when you are posting content.

Make sure your website looks great on mobile, because, well, people are probably looking at your stuff on their phones!

12. Create a way for people to get in touch with you

Create a Contact Page, or include somewhere on your website how people can get in touch with you.

Of course, if you do not want to to engage with your audience…avoid this step!

13. Use language your audience will understand

Want to make an impact on your ideal client?

Use the language they use!

Don’t use jargon or terms they don’t use. They will click away from your website.

Not sure what they prefer? Check out different websites and media that you know your people look at. That can give you an idea of what to say, if you’re struggling. And of course, the obvious — strike up some conversations with people!

14. Prevent broken links from appearing on your website

Go through your website every three months or so, and make sure all the links work.

Sometimes, if you link to other people’s content especially, things will be broken. Delete the link and move on!

15. Don’t tease to your website if something isn’t there!

Make promises you can keep. Always!

16. Remember to post clear calls to action on your website

When utilizing calls to action, keep it simple.

Use one opt-in; talk about one goal; focus on one action you want them to take.

Less is more.

17. Make sure your search bar is easy to see

Make sure the user can easily access the search bar so they have no problems finding what they need on your website.

Be sure to make the search bar clearly visible by using an easy-to-read font and easily defined color.

18. Get rid of clutter!

Eliminate any content on your website that does not relate to your website goals.

19. Use testimonials to your advantage

Include a testimonials section on your website. That’s when you post the good reviews from your clients, as well as your clients’ success stories or how you have helped them.

Testimonials can usually be found on the homepage or on the Services or About page.

20. Only include relevant information on your website

If you have a website about cars, you wouldn’t start posting things about pets, right?! The point here is to stay on topic, and make sure to post only relevant content so your audience can definitely rely on you for what they need.

21. Stay up to date with current events/industry news

Take time every month, or week, to get caught up on industry news.

For example, are you a social media expert? Make sure you know every single new feature on Facebook or Instagram. If that overwhelms you, pick three new things to learn, per week, about your niche. Three is better than zero!

22. Respond to people in a timely manner

Goes without saying! People will remember you for being reliable, in a world where so many people aren’t. Be the exception.

23. Think about things from your audience’s point of view

Try to put things in perspective by putting yourself in the reader’s shoes.

Find out what they like, how they like to consume content, and what they react to and what they ignore.

Tools you can use to help you in this area: create surveys for your audience; ask them questions; look at websites and other forms of media they like; stay on top of trends your audience loves.

24. Stay consistent

If you stay consistent, you build trust with your audience. BONUS - you also build trust within yourself!

Consistently providing new content will also catch the attention of search engines, so be sure to set time aside on your calendar so you can easily post new website content on a daily basis, or a schedule that works for you!

25. Never stop learning!

Speaking of schedules, be sure to block out some time weekly or monthly to learn the latest updates in your niche, your area of expertise and the latest updates and happenings with your audience (see #21). As mentioned previously, it’s so important to always be a student — even if you’re the one teaching others!

Be sure to stay on top of new tools and technology, so you can always be there to serve your audience in the best way, and they know they can always rely on you!


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