Fitness journaling 101: How to track water intake + food and Mood


Tracking your water intake, as well as your meals, and then recording notes about how you felt after consumption, can be amazing for really tapping into the truth about what’s happening in your body.

By writing down what you’re doing and how it makes you feel, you’re becoming aware of your health, which makes you more equipped to make better choices on a day-to-day basis.

It will become more difficult for you to forget what types of things make your body feel bad, and what makes you body feel good!

Before we get started, here’s a quick background on me.

I’m Holly Ecimovic, I create books and journals for health and wellness coaches, and for those who love personal development + fitness.

I also design journals. Download all my freebies for your coaching clients, or treat yourself, over here in my Free Stuff Vault [ACCESS NOW.]

Benefits of food + water journaling

Tracking water intake has great benefits.

First, you become more aware of how much water you’re drinking (or not drinking.)

Also, you can actively make changes when it comes to deciding what to drink.

You can plan ahead, instead of being a victim of your schedule.

Buy one of those cute, extra large water bottles with hilarious phrases on them, if you need some motivation. They sell them online, and you can bring them with you when you start your day. Being at the mercy of a drive-thru, or grabbing a soda or your kids’ juice box out of the fridge in the morning doesn’t have to be your only option.

Being intentional with your hydration can improve your skin, your cognitive abilities, your digestion and even your quality of sleep, many experts say. [FREE Infused Water Recipe Book + Fruit & Herb Combos to Try Now]

The list of benefits is endless!

Grab your FREE Infused Water Recipe Book I created for you, HERE. You can get even more ideas for jazzing up your water with fruit and herbs. It’s a no-brainer!

The other topic I’m going over today is your food and mood tracker.

I love using these Food + Mood Tracking Printables I created, because you will never forget again how a food made you feel.

For example, when it comes to myself, I have a habit of wanting to eat cheese dip and chips as a guilty pleasure.

But if I’m honest, I don’t really feel great after eating that, unless it’s in really small amounts.

Now, if you really get honest and true with yourself, and put some effort into it, you can use your Food and Mood Journal/Tracker and write down how you feel after eating something. [FREE Healthy Eating Journal for Beginners]

I will say, this has helped me make better decisions when I’m at the grocery store.

I remember myself writing down how bad some foods made me feel, and I avoid them, so I don’t make the same mistake next time. [5 FREE Fitness Journaling Pages to Get Started]

This also works when something makes you feel great!

Write down which foods make you feel satisfied, yet energized, and keep eating more of that, and less of the things that drag you down.

In addition, if you need to 10 MORE benefits of tracking your water + food intake, here is a fun list to remember:

  1. Helps you stay accountable

  2. Helps you learn from your mistakes, so you can make better choices next time

  3. Improves organization…you’re tracking what you’re consuming

  4. Great tool for meal prepping and grocery shopping

  5. Fun to do with friends

  6. Great for using in a challenge group if you’re a coach

  7. Fun and cute designs are motivating/less boring for journaling

  8. Staying hydrated helps you feel full longer

  9. Tracking your meals helps you figure out your caloric needs

  10. Great info to share with your doctor so they can help treat you better

Tools to Use for Tracking

I have a TON of really beautiful journals, worksheets, planner pages and trackers you can download, most of them are for free.

See the list below to get some AMAZING food and water journaling inspiration, as well as a plethora of other cool stuff!

Happy Journaling!

Grab the Food + Mood Tracker, HERE.


Healthy Eating Journal for Beginners

14 ways to track food + mood + activity

How to plan your workouts and love it

Fitness printables for busy schedules

Life Review Worksheet

Fitness Manifestation Journal: Food + Mood Tracker

Gratitude Journal for Going Deeper

The Heart Journal + De-Clutter System for Amazing Women

The Service Journal: Outreach Planning Guide for Passionate People

200 Journal prompts to de-clutter + relax

Confidence Journals: Design Bundle

8 Journals to bring you clarity and develop healthy habits

2-minute Mini Manifestation Journal

7 Journal prompts for winter inspiration

Healthy Eating Journal + Food and Mood Tracker

Free printables: Personal Brand Story Workbook

Adorable Food Journals + Water Intake Trackers

12 ways to add fruit and herbs to your water to stay hydrated

3 fruit-infused water recipes [guide book]

How to stay hydrated while working from home

9 ways to use crystals for self-care [guide sheet]

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