200 Journal Prompts to De-Clutter and Relax


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Easy ways to get organized

So many things to do, so little time.

I created an entire book, dedicated to helping people to relax and de-clutter.


I started journaling back in 2020 and honestly, it has helped me to organize and get my environment straight, in the strangest way.

Never thought that journaling would actually help me to slow down, relax, and get my mind in order. HA!

Grab the free book I created, 200 Journal Prompts to Relax + De-Clutter, HERE.

You can also scroll down to see some sneak peeks!

Sneak Peek: 10 Journal Prompts for De-Cluttering

  1. 3 ways my mindset changes when my workspace is clear

  2. Describe my favorite room and why it’s the best

  3. Describe what being calm feels like in terms of texture, color and sound

  4. Who is my productivity role model and why?

  5. Name 3 times I have overcome obstacles when operating with a clear mind

  6. Write down three compliments I have received while at work or at home.

  7. Does getting things done make me happier? Why or why not?

  8. Favorite 10 songs to listen to while I am organizing my bedroom or vehicle

  9. When I feel overwhelmed [fill in the blank.]

  10. Sunrise or sunset? Why?

Benefits of Journaling

Today, we’re looking at four ways (below) that you can start a journal this year to become more productive and increase your motivation.

Whether you need motivation for working out, building your business, or being the best parent for your children, a couple minutes per day of journaling can make a lasting impact.

Check out the free journaling resources below.

Journaling has so many benefits, including:

  • helping you focus

  • releasing tension and relieving stress

  • producing clarity by really seeing what’s in your mind, right there on paper

  • helps you to map your goals

  • improves memory

  • helps fight depression and anxiety

  • gives you sense of control

    And so many more!

Related Articles:

7 Winter Journal Prompts For You

Journals For Gratitude, Service, Productivity + Stress Management

Simple Self-Esteem Exercise To Boost Your Productivity

FREE Heart Journal + De-Clutter System for Women

Journaling To De-Clutter

First, I created a free journal for this very purpose, and you can grab it, HERE.

Journaling can be done to de-clutter your mind, as well as your literal environment that surrounds you.

I also offer a course, that features a 3-part De-Clutter System as a bonus! You can preview the course, HERE.

Studies have shown that de-cluttering helps your brain to become more functional because when distractions are removed, execution can take place.

For example, when presented with too many options, a person is likely to make ZERO decisions or take NO action, because overwhelm takes over.

This is due to our “lizard brain.”

Our brain wants the easy way out.

When faced with multiple options, a person is likely to make no choice at all, as opposed to being presented with one or two options — better chance for a decision to be made.

Of course, all humans are different, but this is a general finding from research I’ve done.

Read more about the subject in my article, Journals For Gratitude, Service, Productivity + Stress Management.

Journaling For Self-Care

I love journaling as part of a self-care routine.

Ten minutes a day. One journal prompt per day.

One small bit can change your life!

I designed an entire journal to help you with self-care inside this free book, The Heart Journal: Self-Care + De-Clutter System.

This self-care system allows you to:

De-Clutter using the 3-part system

Anxiety vs. Truth exercises designed to help you gain clarity on difficult days

Challenge tracking worksheet

Daily affirmations for busy women

Weekly planner

And much more!

Self-care is not always about “indulging.”

Often, the indulging makes us feel terrible in the end, anyway!

Journaling is a great way to practice self-care, and only a few minutes a day makes an impact.

I know on days that I have felt my worst, gratitude journaling has lifted me up.

Once I overheard people talking in line at the grocery store, and one woman told a man she had been taking care of her husband who has chronic illness, but she still wakes up early every day to write in her gratitude journal.

That’s powerful.

If you’d like me to send you a free gratitude journal (it’s inside this amazing bundle of goodness!) CLICK HERE.

Here are some related articles as well:

[Free Workbook] How To Use Your Gratitude Journal

Free Gratitude Journal for Amazing Women

Confidence Journals: Design Bundle

Journaling To Give Back

Journaling can be used for planning purposes as well, and for staying inspired while taking action.

I have created and used several Service Journals, books that you use to brainstorm, track, plan, execute, and reflect on your community service.

I encourage you to check out The Service Journal if you’re a volunteer, you know someone who is, or if you have plans to start a ministry.

I created this book for anyone who wants to help others.


Use this guide as a tool while you plan and perform outreach in your community.

Don't worry if you ever feel stuck -- the important thing is, you’re here! You are showing up.

Deciding on the best way to use your time and talents is one portion of this journal and workbook. You'll find areas in the book where you can:

Track your progress

Reflect on what's working and what's not

Find options for new outreach projects

Numerous lists of ideas for you to implement

Ways to plan your goals and execute them for the future

Daily inspiration to keep you inspired as you go along

Thanks for being here!

If you enjoyed this article, check out the FREE STUFF VAULT for more resources related to journaling and reaching your goals!

Wishing you nothing but the best for the new year,


P.S. Check out my newest book, The Service Journal, if you want to become a pillar of strength in your community :)

Grab it, HERE.

Don’t forget! Check the FREE STUFF VAULT for the latest!


Sneak Peek! 200 Journal Prompts to De-Clutter:

Journal prompts
I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn
— Anne Frank
Journals and planners for goal setting
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

— Maya Angelou

4 Journaling Ideas for Motivation


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